Check out the suggestions for exhibitions around Porto Maravilha for January

Many exhibitions had to be postponed in 2020 due to the pandemic and now in 2021 museums, galleries and cultural centers in the city are trying to reorganize themselves to receive the public safely, that is, small groups visiting the spaces and following all protocols.

With climate emergency, biodiversity and the well-being of human beings as thematic axes, the Museum of Tomorrow, in Praça Mauá, will open three temporary exhibitions in 2021 and an immersive experience: the exhibition Coronaceno – Reflections in Times of Pandemic, about the effects of the new coronavirus on the planet.

In addition, two exhibitions about the Amazon and the World Architecture Congress are planned, which would take place in 2020 and have been postponed.

The Rio Art Museum continues with the exhibitions Casa Carioca and Aline Motta: Memory, Travel and Water on display. There is also the Rua! exhibition, which features a skateboard ramp, to be used by the public, which is scheduled to return to MAR soon.

An unprecedented exhibition is Paulo Werneck: Murals for Rio, which will present the artist's trajectory through large panels produced by him for public and private buildings in the city.

Another exhibition already confirmed for 2021 at MAR is Crônicas Cariocas, which reaffirms the museum's interest in a multiplicity of visions and different people who become authors and characters of life stories based on collectivity, community and resistance. The work will be curated by Marcelo Campos.

And since the tour takes place around Porto, there is nothing better than taking a cultural walk and visiting the Porto Urban Art Museum (MAUP), the first open-air museum in Rio. MAUP is made up of around 50 works by renowned national and international graffiti artists, who occupy the facades and sides of old buildings and warehouses spread around the Boulevard Olímpico, Gamboa and Santo Cristo. The entire collection is cataloged and mapped in two itineraries that can be seen on foot and it is possible to schedule guided tours (minimum of two people) to get to know the works and artists better.

Another cool tip here, close to Pier Mauá, is to go for a walk on Av. Rodrigues Alves, in the stretch between the Marcelo Alencar Tunnel and the Novo Rio Bus Station, where there is a large corridor of murals. Named Rua Walls, the open-air exhibition has around 1.5 kilometers of large-format urban art. According to one of the organizers, Caíque Torrezão, this is the biggest artistic intervention in Rio, perhaps in Brazil! A mix of graffiti artists, muralists, graphic designers and other aspects, in addition to graffiti, are being used in the urban public art project Rua Walls, which features murals by Agrade Camíz, Flora Yumi, Life, Ziza and Hélio, among others.

Now it's up to you... just choose a cultural program to enjoy the weekend, feed your soul and stay in your memory! ; )

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