Sebastião Salgado's exhibition is extended until February 12th at the Museum of Tomorrow

With more than 400 thousand spectators at the Museum of Tomorrow, the Amazon exhibition, by photographer Sebastião Salgado, will be extended until February 12th. The exhibition features images of rivers, mountains and the people of twelve indigenous communities portrayed by the renowned photographer, shedding light on the largest tropical forest in the world and the urgency of its preservation.

On February 7th, National Indigenous Peoples' Day of Struggle, to expand the debates raised in the exhibition, the Museum of Tomorrow will hold the Amazon Seminar. The event, which will take place from 10 am, in the museum's auditorium, will feature the participation of Sebastião Salgado via video conference, and the presence of artist We'e'ena Tikuna and writer Cristino Wapichana. They will talk about the contribution of artistic narratives and the importance of indigenous leadership for the preservation of the forest. The seminar will be broadcast live on the official Museum of Tomorrow YouTube channel.

We'e'ena Tikuna is an indigenous artist, singer and songwriter. Graduated in visual arts, she was awarded in 2005 as the best indigenous artist in Brazil. We'e'ena developed the first fashion brand designed and designed by an indigenous woman. Cristino Wapichana, writer, musician, composer, filmmaker and storyteller disseminates, through art, stories, knowledge and heritage of original peoples, reinforcing the importance of the indigenous population for the formation of Brazilian society.

Alongside renowned photographer Sebastião Salgado, they will bring to debate the importance of the struggle of original peoples against epistemicide and genocide that has been perpetuated for so many years in Brazil, the most recent being practiced against the Yanomami people. The meeting reinforces the importance of creating more and more spaces for exchange to unite living and ancestral voices, favoring the preservation of their stories.


Amazon Exhibition

Local: Praça Mauá, 01 – Center

Days: Tues. to Sun. - 10am/6pm (last entry at 5pm)

Debate: 07/02- Tuesday – 10am

Value: R$ 7.50 to R$ 30.00

Free on Tuesdays

Tickets via Sympla 

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