Rio has free concerts promoted by Música no Museu throughout the month of September

In honor of the 200th anniversary of Brazil's Independence, the 'Music at the Museum' project has a program with more than 20 free concerts in various locations in the Marvelous City.

Roberto de Regina


The opening will take place on September 1st, at the Academia Brasileira de Letras, with Roberto de Regina, renowned Brazilian harpsichordist, who, at 95 years old, says goodbye to the national stages in a historic performance.



In addition to the concerts, the event will promote the lecture “Music in the Empire of Brazil”, at Convento do Carmo. The program also takes place in other spaces linked to the date such as the Paço Imperial, Real Conselho Português de Leitura, Palácio São Clemente, CCBB, Museum of Justice, Museum of the Republic, CC Federal Justice, Army Museum/Forte de Copacabana and the Museum of Vida (Fiocruz), with songs performed by great Brazilian musicians.



'Música no Museu' began in 1997, with guitarist Turíbio Santos, and aims to promote free concerts of classical and popular music in museums, libraries, archives, cultural centers, churches and historic palaces. In 2008, the project won the Order of Cultural Merit, which is a decoration to recognize contributions to Brazilian culture.

Opening at the headquarters of the Academia Brasileira de Letras, the concerts take place mainly in the central region of Rio, but will also pass through Catete, Botafogo and Copacabana.

Below, you can see the complete schedule of the event in Rio:

Day 2- Friday- 12:30 pm

Carmo Convent – Rua 1º de Março – Center

Newton Nazareth – Program: ¨Music in the Empire of Brazil¨ (lecture with audiovisual)


Day 4 – Sunday – 1pm

Museum of the Republic – Rua do Catete 153 – Catete

Georgia Szpilman, voice and Maria Luiza Lundberg, piano. Special participation: Moises Santos, clarinet -Program: Brazil from João to Pedro


Day 5- Monday- 12:30 pm

Royal Portuguese Reading Cabinet – Rua Luís de Camões 30 – Center

Pierre Descaves Trio – English horn, Gabriel Lucena, guitar and arrangements and Paulo Azevedo, violin – Program: 200 years of Brazilian Music


Day 6- Tuesday- 12:30 pm

Imperial Palace – Praça XV de Novembro 48 – Center

Eduardo Camenietzi, guitar – Program: Nationalism on the guitar


Day 7 - Wednesday - 12:30 pm

CCBB – Rua Primeiro de Março, 66 – 4th floor, room 26 – Center

Adriana Kellner, Cecilia Guimaraes, Fernanda Cruz, Maria Helena de Andrade, pianos. Artistic Direction: Maria Helena de Andrade – Program: Sarau da Independência


Day 8 - Thursday - 1pm

CC Federal Justice – Av. Rio Branco 241- Center

Music Lovers Choir. Conductor: Fátima Mendonça – Program: Independence Anthem and popular Brazilian classics


Day 9 - Friday – 12:30 pm

Museum of Justice – Rua Dom Manuel 29 – Center

Harold Emert, oboe, Aleida Schweitzer, piano, Cosme Silveira, bassoon – Program: The works of Sigismund von Neukomn


Day 13- Tuesday- 12:30 pm

Imperial Palace – Praça XV de Novembro 48- Center

Lula Perez, guitar – Program: Violão Daqui – traditional Brazilian guitar


Day 14 - Wednesday - 12:30 pm

CCBB – Rua Primeiro de Março, 66 – 4th floor, room 26 – Center

ACC Women's Lyric Choir. Claudio Avila Regency – Program: Homage to 200 years of Independence: Matizes, 1st. Edition. José Mauricio Nunes Garcia, Carlos Cristovao Zink, GFHandel, G. Gershwin, G. Fauré, Gounod, Bizet, G Rossini


Day 15 - Thursday - 1pm

CC Federal Justice – Av. Rio Branco 241 – Session Room – Center

Madrigal do Leme. Anton Steuxner Regency – Program: Music from the 18th century


Day 16 - Friday - 12:30 pm

Imperial Palace – Praça Quinze de Novembro, 48 – Centro

Madrid Guitar Duo - Adriana Ballesté and Mara Lucia – Program: classics on guitar


Day 21 – Wednesday – 12:30 pm

CCBB – Rua Primeiro de Março, 66 – 4th floor, room 26 – Center

Duo Fronteira-Leandro Turano, Patrícia Glatzl and Gabriela Koatz, piano – Program: International classics


Day 23 - Friday - 12:30 pm

Museum of Life – Av. Brasil 4365 – Reception Center, Manguinhos

Raphael dos Santos, guitar. Special participation, Caca Guifer, transverse flute and soprano sax, Ronaldo Justo, cavaquinho – Program: Brazilian and international songs


Day 24 – Saturday – 6pm

São Clemente Palace – Consulate of Portugal – Rua São Clemente 424, Botafogo

Adriana Kellner, Cecilia Guimaraes, Fernanda Cruz, Maria Helena de Andrade, pianos. Artistic Direction: Maria Helena de Andrade – Program: Sarau da Independência


27th - Tuesday - 6pm

Army Museum – Copacabana Fort – Praça Coronel Eugenio Franco 1, Av. Atlântica Posto 6 – Copacabana

Newton Nazareth – Program: lecture with audiovisual: ¨Music in the Empire of Brazil¨


Day 28 - Wednesday - 12:30 pm

CCBB – Rua Primeiro de Março, 66 – 4th floor, room 26 – Center

Fernanda Cruz, piano – Program: “As Estações” – 12 piano pieces by P. Tchaikowsky and which should have been performed in 2020, when Tchaikowsky's birth would have been 180 years old.


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