Details and expectations for the 2018/19 cruise season at Pier Mauá.

Pier Mauá has been responsible for the administration of the Rio de Janeiro International Cruise Terminal since 1998. During the event “Um dia de Cruzeiros no Rio”, which took place on 07/31 at the Abav-RJ headquarters, our Operations manager, Alexandre Gomes, arrived with good news: the lease renewal is about to happen! And he warned: it is essential that travel agents are up to date with the company's operations in the port, as the 2018/19 cruise season is already knocking on the door.

“With the lease contract close to being renewed for another 50 years of operation in the port of Rio, we will have legal security to make investments and, in this way, create a cruise terminal with the characteristics that every cruise terminal should have” , said Alexandre Gomes, who recalled the company's record numbers. “In 15 seasons, we received 2,494 stopovers and more than 5 million passengers.”

The manager knows the importance of the port of Rio, which is just two kilometers away from Santos Dumont Airport. Because of this, it is worth investing in a new passenger terminal. With the renewal of the lease, it is only a matter of time before the port of Rio starts operating with three warehouses. “The new passenger terminal will be linked to the cruise terminal and warehouse 3 with a series of new features: check-in counters, baggage x-ray, closed circuit TV, air conditioning, shops, jewelry stores, restaurants, partnership with VLT and mobile outpatient/ICU,” he said.

The 2018/19 season in Rio de Janeiro begins on October 24th with the arrival of Aida Aura, a first for Brazil. The last ship of the season will be the Oceania Sirena, on April 17, 2019. During this period, Píer Mauá will have 100 calls, something celebrated by Alexandre Gomes. “We had a triple-digit season again. Last season, we had 95 stopovers and this time there will be 100. As a result, we expect to exceed 326,000 passengers during the season”, he highlighted.

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