Anvisa defines health protocols for the return of the Brazilian cruise season 2021/2022

Long-awaited news for all of us in the maritime sector was published this Friday (10/29). Anvisa approved the health rules for cruise travel along the Brazilian coast. Close to the start of the 2021/2022 season, already authorized by the federal government, the regulatory agency's protocol establishes the general requirements for embarking and disembarking passengers, as well as the procedures to be followed by travelers and crew at the embarkation and disembarkation terminals. The protocol defines the parameters that must be followed to guarantee minimum safety conditions on board vessels.

Since the publication of Interministerial Ordinance CC-PR/MJSP/MS/MINFRA 658, of October 5, 2021, Anvisa has been discussing the health protocols to be adopted within the scope of cruise ships. To this end, meetings were held with representatives of the Ministry of Health, national councils of state and municipal health departments (Conass and Conasems) and with associations and companies that operate cruise ships in the country.

During the meetings, the Agency presented the technical criteria for preparing the proposal to resume activities, with the aim of collecting contributions and impressions from all actors involved. The need for vaccination for all travelers was the starting point of the health protocol established for the resumption of cruise ship operations in Brazil.


Discover the main points of the protocol for cruise ships in Brazil:  

1 – Proof of complete vaccination against Covid-19 for boarding of all passengers eligible under the PNI (National Immunization Program). Proof of vaccines authorized in Brazil or validated by the WHO will be accepted.

2 – Obligation to present a negative RT-PCR test carried out up to 72 hours or an antigen test carried out up to 24 hours before boarding.

3 – Daily 10% testing of passengers on board and 10% of the crew. Positive tests cannot be discarded by a second test (control test).

4 – Screening of passengers using information from a form containing information about the traveler's health conditions.

5 – Maximum capacity of the vessel limited to 75% of passenger capacity.

6 – Space on board of 1.5 meters between groups of travelers (example: family group or group of people traveling together).

7 – Weekly testing of all crew on board.

8 – Separation of cabins for isolation of suspected cases on board.

9 – Prior approval of each vessel’s protocols by Anvisa.

10 – Daily notification of the health situation on board by the vessel.


Travelers should evaluate the situation before deciding 

Travel on a cruise ship presents a unique combination of health concerns, as travelers (crew and passengers) from different regions gathered in closed or semi-closed, often crowded environments can facilitate the spread of diseases, transmitted from person to person. person, for food or water. Cruise travelers and their doctors should be aware of the limitations and prepare accordingly. In particular, certain groups, such as pregnant women, the elderly or people with chronic health conditions or who are immunocompromised, should carefully evaluate the decision to embark on a cruise trip.

Due to the inherent risk and associated uncertainties, Anvisa has always taken a cautious stance regarding the resumption of regular operations in the cruise sector in Brazil. In all its manifestations, it was reiterated that, in a pandemic scenario, the return of this activity strongly depends on the epidemiological situation of the municipality, state and region, and the countries through which the vessel will circulate.


Ventilation system

Another fundamental technical point of the protocol deals with the ventilation system of the ship's cabins and closed areas.

Based on a study of other cruises carried out around the world, the rule defines specific actions on the vessel's ventilation system. Measures include routine cleaning of the air conditioning system, replacement of pre-filters, checking the integrity of high-efficiency filters, minimum number of air changes per hour and negative pressure in isolation cabins.

Each vessel must present its plan to Anvisa before the start of the season.


Return from cruises 

To resume cruise travel, Interministerial Ordinance CC-PR/MJSP/MS/MINFRA 658, of 2021, defined three specific conditions:

  • Definition of protocol by Anvisa – approved this Friday (29/10).
  • Edition of a decree by the Ministry of Health on the epidemiological scenario, the situations considered as outbreaks of Covid-19 on vessels and the conditions for complying with the quarantine of passengers and vessels – Ordinance GM/MS 2,928, of October 26, 2021.
  • Preparation of a local operational plan for municipalities impacted by cruise operations.

Check out the presentation complete version of the new protocol.



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