Cruises are back!

Did you see the report that recently came out on the Brasilturis website about expectations for the national cruise season? What great news, right?

After the unexpected interruption of the 2019/2020 season due to Covid-19 and the halt in shipments in 2020/2021, companies are now announcing the return of operations. In Brazil, the first ships will begin to sail in the last quarter, which is encouraging both the trade and consumers.

According to data recorded in the profile and economic impacts study, developed by the national arm of the International Maritime Cruise Association (Clia Brasil) in partnership with Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), in the 2019/2020 season, the cruise segment was responsible for the movement of R$ 2.24 billion. Despite having suffered from the reduction in shipments, the period recorded growth of 7.6% compared to the previous period.

But the good news comes with the advancement of the vaccination schedule which, combined with the strict protocols developed by associates, allows Clia to envision an optimistic scenario for the next season. Results of a survey by Oxford Economics show that the segment will recover by 2024.

Marco Ferraz, president of Clia Brasil, reinforces the association's constant dialogue with the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), highlighting that the situation is very different from what we saw last year. “The drop in the number of cases abroad allowed the resumption in Europe, the Caribbean and the United States and, soon, we will have ships here in Brazil. The forecast is that we will be much better with this progress”, he adds.

For the predicted start of the season to be confirmed, Anvisa must authorize the segment's activities. “We share the same purpose, which is security. We have a very cool negotiation, but it all depends on the epidemiological scenario. We still have time, as the season only starts in November, but we are optimistic about this new moment of operation in the northern hemisphere summer and we intend to make the most of our summer too”, estimates Marco.

Brazil will have seven ships, with the first arriving on October 31, in Fortaleza (CE), heading to the south of the country to begin operations. The remaining vessels will arrive until December, with the last one docking on the Brazilian coast for the Christmas cruise, and all will stay until April 19th.

The full news can be seen on the website:

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