Sapphire Princess faz sua estreia no Pier Mauá nesta segunda-feira (25)
O Pier Mauá recebeu nesta segunda-feira (25), o navio Sapphire Princess,trazendo cerca de 2.285 felizardos a bordo em sua primeira escala no Rio de Janeiro. Este magnífico transatlântico, pertencente à […]
Costa Pacifica chega ao Pier Mauá: o navio mais divertido desta temporada!
Nesta quinta (21), o Pier Mauá recebeu o Costa Pacifica, um dos destaques da temporada de cruzeiros 2024/25, trazendo cerca de 2000 felizardos a bordo! Considerado o navio mais divertido […]
Gentileza Intermodal Terminal connects the center of Rio to Galeão
O Terminal Intermodal Gentileza, inaugurado dia 23 de fevereiro deste ano, trouxe mudanças significativas no transporte do Rio de Janeiro, em especial da Zona Portuária e entre elas, há uma […]
MSC Grandiosa docks at Pier Mauá: discover the largest ship to sail in Brazilian waters
Today (23), a true giant of the seas docked at the Pier! Coming from Salvador, MSC Grandiosa lives up to its name and arrived bringing a lot of glamour, comfort and authenticity. Operated by MSC […]
Ships of the 2022/2023 cruise season at Pier Mauá
The 2022/2023 cruise season promises to be the BIGGEST in the last 10 years. There will be more than 600 thousand lucky people traveling from October 28th of this year to April 17th, […]
Pier Mauá receives ships with almost 20 thousand tourists in the last days of 2018
Passengers from two cruises will watch the fireworks display from the sea in Copacabana photo highlight: Costa Favolosa In the last days of 2018, Pier Mauá will receive five ships, […]