The best of the weekend around Pier Mauá

This weekend is full of incredible events and we have selected some different options close to Pier Mauá so you can make the most of them:


Music at Chiminé with the samba Roda da Luz


If you are a music lover, you cannot miss the next “Música na Chiminé” which takes place this Saturday (October 7th), starting at 3pm, with free entry, on the ground floor of Fábrica Bhering. The talented Luz Fogaça will be present with her incredible voice and a repertoire that will make everyone dance until they get tired. Furthermore, come and discover the charming space of the Bhering Factory.



The factory, which was once one of the largest in the country, is famous not only for the production and export of coffee, but also for popular icons such as toffee and Boneco candies. Furthermore, it attracts visitors with its unique architecture. With more than 15 thousand square meters of built area, it houses around 80 art studios, creating a vibrant artistic network where collaboration is the soul of the business.





Music in the Chimney with Luz Fogaça

Date: Saturday, October 7th

Time: from 3pm

Free entrance

Local: Bhering Factory, Rua Orestes, 28 – Ground Floor – Santo Cristo



Gamboa de Portos Abertos – Ser Floresta Cidade


The sixth edition of the Gamboa de Portos Abertos event has the theme “Ser Floresta Cidade” and is offering a diverse free program since October 1st and this Saturday, get ready for an inspiring chat, followed by an unmissable musical performance by collective “As Três Marias” with the show “Tambor de Crioula”. At night, the “Filhos de Gandhi RJ” block and the exciting “Jongo da Serrinha” show with the participation of Rita Benneditto will entertain everyone.


On Sunday, the fun continues with more debates, musical attractions and an exciting theatrical presentation by the Companhia Brasileira de Mystérios e Novidades with the show “Encantaria de Terra e Mar”.

PROGRAMMING – Praça da Harmonia

October 7th, Saturday – WE ARE FOREST

4pm – Conversation with Sandra Benites (Guarani Activist and Director of Visual Arts at Funarte) and Lara Renzenti (Refauna Project)

5pm – Musical Presentation: Coletivo As Três Marias with the show Tambor de Crioula

7pm – Show: Children of Gandhi

8pm – Show: Jongo da Serrinha with the participation of Rita Benneditto


October 8, Sunday – WE ARE GUANABARA

4pm – Conversation with: Val do Quilombo (President of the Association of the Remaining Community of Quilombo do Feital), Pedro Belga (NGO Guardians of the Sea and Projeto Uçá), Tatiana Roque (Secretary of Science and Technology of the city of Rio), Homage to Elmo Amador (Environmentalist, founder of the Baía Viva Movement)

5pm – Musical Presentation: Caxambu do Salgueiro

6pm – Theatrical Presentation: “Encantaria de Terra e Mar” – Companhia Brasileira de Mystérios e Novidades

More information on the website:


This weekend promises to be full of culture, music and fun here, right? So don't miss the opportunity to participate in these incredible events and experience the vibrant energy of the city!
